How to Make a Good Impression at Fashion Model Casting Calls

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As a model, your success relies heavily on making a good first impression at fashion model casting calls and interviews. Regardless of how good-looking you are or how much experience you have, if you can’t make a good impression in person with the people who matter most, your career won’t go far.

Here, we break down how to make a great and memorable first impression to help you land those job roles and

What is a Fashion Model Casting Call?

A modelling casting call, also known as a go-see, is a type of interview models have to attend to showcase their look and hopefully land work.

Most models will be invited to attend a casting call via the modelling agency they are signed to. While some may give a time, others will expect you to turn up and sign in on the sign-in sheet. This sheet dictates the order that models will be seen to have their models taken. Once you’ve signed the sheet, you could be called at any point, so it’s important only to sign in once your hair and make-up are completely finished.

Some casting calls can take all day, while others only an hour or so. Make sure you read your brief thoroughly so you know exactly where and when they expect you.

Even the most successful of high-fashion models need to attend casting calls regularly. They’re the most important aspect of modelling; you may even be invited to auditions overseas in locations like New York, Paris and Milan.

How to Make a Good Impression at Fashion Model Casting Calls

Finding Casting Calls

Your modelling agency will find casting calls and invite you to the ones you are suitable for.

If you don’t have a modelling agency, it will be much harder to find auditions. The internet and social media are your best options.

Be sure to arrive early – arriving late will make a very poor first impression.

Requirements for Modelling Casting Calls

You may be required to bring specific things to a casting call, which will be noted on the brief you will be given beforehand. Alongside these, there are some essentials that should be brought to all casting calls:

  • A bottle of water and snacks
  • Something to keep you occupied like a book
  • Your phone and a phone charger

Women should shave their legs and armpits too (unless told not to on the brief), while men should also opt for a clean, shaven appearance unless told otherwise. They want to see your facial features and physique, so don’t cover up with too much make-up.

There isn’t usually a dress code for casting calls, so unless you’re told to wear something specific, opt for something fairly comfortable that you can stand to be in for hours at a time. Jeans and a t-shirt are typical outfits.

Women should bring a pair of heels in their bags in case they are asked to show their runway walk. You should also bring some nude, well-fitted underwear in case you are asked to try on some garments.

The casting call is all about showing your natural beauty off as much as possible – models are supposed to be canvases. Don’t wear anything too distracting, but remember that you do want to stand out from the hundreds of other hopeful aspiring models. Cover up any imperfections with concealer and use mascara to bring out your lashes and frame your eyes.

Keep hair styled and neat, but natural. Don’t spend ages on an up-do; they will likely ask you to take it down so they can see it properly. Similarly, don’t spend ages carefully setting your hairstyle if it is down as they make ask you to put it in a ponytail so they can see your bone structure and the contours of your face.

Try to cover any tattoos and take out any facial piercings as these can distract and lose you work as they are deemed to be limiting features.

Don’t forget to bring any documentation you require, such as your driving license or another form of ID if requested. You’ll also want to know your measurements, clothing and shoe sizes.

You will also want to bring along your modelling portfolio, which we will go into detail about below.

Know the Client & the Industry

Each client and brand has different requirements. A designer may want a runway couture model, while a photographer may want a model who looks good in movement while jumping or running. Understand the type of model the client is looking for, where and why the shoot is taking place, and what your role in the shoot is.

You should spend some time researching the industry thoroughly to familiarise yourself with the people, the names and the brands. Before a casting call, try to find out the name of the casting director and research them. Check who they have worked with before so you can get a clearer idea of who they may be looking to work with in the future. Know which photographers work for which designers, and which designers frequent which fashion shows. Don’t forget to check the different markets including European, American and Asian if you plan on working internationally.

Modelling Portfolio

A modelling portfolio is an essential tool for all models. It is a portfolio that showcases a model’s talent, experience and abilities. It generally holds up to 20 A4 photos which will get frequently updated as the model’s career progresses.

If you don’t yet have any modelling experience or photos to add to your portfolio, you can pay a professional modelling photography studio for a photoshoot. If you’re interested to have a photo shoot with us, register with us today.

Introducing Yourself at a Model Casting Call

At the casting call, you may be required to wait in a room for a few hours with lots of other aspiring models. Your name will be called, and you will be asked into a room (either alone or with a handful of other models) to meet the casting directors.

This is when you will make your initial first impression to the people who really matter. Of course, it’s important to be polite and respectful to everyone you meet – from the secretary to your competition. Being kind and friendly will always help people remember you for the right reasons.

Casting directors will meet many, many models. It’s important not to take any fleeting glances or short replies personally; they are incredibly busy and are there for the sole purpose of finding the right model for a particular job.

Stand tall. If you are short, don’t stand next to the tallest person; it will only make you stand out. Try to stand with models of a similar height, if not shorter than you.

If you are a brunette, try to stand near a blonde, or vice versa. The contrast will again help you to stand out from the crowd.

Don’t talk too much or interrupt, but don’t be afraid to answer questions or be the first to speak up. Agents are looking for someone with a can-do attitude, someone who truly wants the job, who will work hard and not let them down. Do what you can to position yourself as that person.

Don’t talk down about your competition. This will only make you appear petty and untrustworthy.

Be polite and try to remember people’s names. Showcase your talent and personality; you won’t have much time, so you want to make sure they are aware of any relevant experience or skills you have. Don’t boast, though – you’ll only come across as arrogant.

You will likely be asked to introduce yourself and you may be asked to say a few things about yourself. It’s a good idea to prepare an answer in advance so you aren’t caught on the spot. Think about any experience or skills you have that are relevant to the job you are interviewing for.

They may ask to take some polaroid photos of you to see how you photograph. They may also ask you to walk in heels so they can judge your walk. You should practice your walk in front of a mirror beforehand.

Don’t panic if you don’t yet have any modelling experience – everyone has to start somewhere. Your looks and personality are most important, as well as how you hold yourself, how you photograph and how you walk.

Hearing Back From a Casting Call

You may be told immediately after a casting call if they’re interested in seeing you again. Other brands/agents may want time to deliberate, and they will tell you when you can expect to hear from them. Try not to worry or panic; as a model, you will have to attend hundreds of casting calls. It will become a normal, everyday part of the job. Rejection is inevitable, so get used to taking it in your stride.

How to Tell if a Casting Call Went Well

It’s not always possible to tell if a casting call went well or not. Much like with any job interview, they may want to keep their cards close to their chest until they have seen all the models. Out of 100, there may only be 5 spots – so it’s not an easy job.

Don’t be despondent if you hear back and it isn’t good news. Brush it off and get ready to make a great first impression at the next casting call.

Ready to get started on your modelling journey? Register with us today and see if you have what it takes!

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